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Enriching lives

At Sanctuary Care we have been delivering care for over 25 years and at the heart of our experience and expertise is our undeniable passion to enrich the lives of our residents, teams and those living in the communities in which we operate. But what does this really mean to our staff, our residents and their loved ones?

It all starts with how we proudly go above and beyond the standard expectations of providing good quality care and support to our residents to live fulfilled lives. It’s far more than just adapting to their care needs – to truly enrich lives, we look beyond physical and emotional care needs. We look at what makes every person unique, the people close to their hearts, their passions and dreams yet to be fulfilled, and the continuity of living they need to feel content, happy and fulfilled. Knowing all of this, enables our teams to deliver truly person-centred care to each and every individual who lives with us.

Enriching lives – the research

And to ensure we are not just saying we ‘enrich lives’, we have even commissioned independent research to find out what an enriched life means to those that matter most and have used this research to continually adapt the care and service we provide – day in, day out.

View the summary of our research on Enriching Lives (PDF 186KB)

To truly understand how to enrich lives, we have commissioned independent researchers from Research Works Limited to speak with our residents and care home teams, across England and Scotland – and by talking to those who are in our care and living with us, we can truly adapt our services to achieve our mission of enriching lives – proving it’s far more than a profitable marketing plug, but a way of life for us at Sanctuary Care.

Our researchers told us that residents and their families needed to have ‘six senses’ met to feel fulfilled and content. These six senses include:

  • A sense of security - receiving the care they truly need to feel safe and secure
  • A sense of belonging – to maintain and create new friendly relationships
  • A sense of continuity – continuing the things they love!
  • A sense of purpose – being a part of something special
  • A sense of achievement – achieving something every week with the support from the team
  • A sense of significance – being treated with the utmost dignity and respect

So how are we fulfilling the six enriching life senses?

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Across our homes we offer round-the-clock care, giving peace of mind to our residents and their loved ones. Like Julie, who’s mother Evelyn’s Alzheimer’s progressed to the point where she was no longer safe at home, so she joined us at Howard House and has never looked back. “She’s safe and I can sleep at night,” Julie says.

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To be truly happy you need feel a sense of belonging. When John joined us for a short respite care break, he realised how much it meant to be surrounded by people, having felt quite isolated at home. He loved it here so much that he decided to come back for good!

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It is vital that our residents can continue with their passions and the life they have loved to live. Like Trish, who couldn’t bear to leave her beloved birds behind, so when she moved into our Ridgewood Court home, we re-built her aviary in the garden so she didn’t have to!

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When retired music teacher Rita joined us at Ravenhurst, she had felt isolated living alone. With a little gentle encouragement, she has started her own choir in the home, ‘The Ravenhurst Angels’, giving her such pride and purpose.

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Ron loved coaching children’s rugby and working out in the gym but hadn’t done either for a year or so before moving into our Castlecroft home. Knowing how much this meant to Ron, with a little support from the team, he is proudly coaching the juniors at King’s Norton RFC again. And the team have helped transform a room at Castlecroft into his very own gym!

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We champion our residents to play an active role in the running of their homes. We have resident ambassadors, who do everything from helping us to interview potential staff, to leading show rounds and helping new residents to settle in.

“It’s about going out and doing things which are good for his independence. It’s about him feeling useful and still having something to offer - and they are excellent at this at Castlecroft”

James on father Ron’s return to coaching children’s rugby


Ron Bruce, Annabel Hughes-McCorkell and Eli Squires playing rugby

To find out more about our passion to enrich lives, contact our Enquiry Support Team advisors today! They are here to talk and offer free advice on 0800 046 4818.

Enriching lives news

We explore the secrets to happiness in later life

Ron Bunce, resident at Castlecroft Residential Care Home in Birmingham

Find out more about our research and how we are enriching lives for residents like Ron.

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I am proud to enrich lives every day

Helen Park at Regent Residential Care Home in St John's Worcester

Meet activities co-ordinator Helen: “I am proud to enrich lives every day”.

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Meet Edith, one of our many Resident Ambassadors

Edith Walker at Hastings Residential Care Home in Malvern

“I love it, especially talking to the residents – and its great fun” 

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Life Histories - celebrating our war hero Arthur

Arthur Steel, resident at Beach Lawns Residential and Nursing Home in Weston in his war days and today

By knowing our residents and their life histories, we can celebrate who they are as individuals

Find out more

Meet Rosemary, one of our proud Resident Ambassadors

Rosemary Faupel, resident at our Orchard House Residential Care Home in Cambridgeshire

For Rosemary, being so actively involved in the home gives her a sense of purpose and enriches her life.

Find out more