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Looking for a care home
0800 917 0478

How do we collate feedback?

We actively seek feedback in a number of ways, from our fabulous residents and their loved ones to our dedicated teams and more. We are proud to welcome feedback in all forms and are transparent in handling any concerns or care home complaints that individuals may raise in any part of our service.

And here are just some of the ways we collate feedback and encourage involvement in how we run our care homes:

Annual resident survey

Every year, Sanctuary Care undertakes a formal resident survey asking our customers about our services.

We want to know what our residents think about the quality and standard of care they receive, the range and choice of food on offer, the cleanliness of the home, the quality of activities we provide and all the other aspects which make a home a comfortable and enjoyable place to live.

Meetings and resident involvement

We hold regular meetings throughout the year with our residents and their relatives and we keep a record of all these meetings.

They are an excellent opportunity to bring along suggestions regarding the running of the home and any changes they would like to see such as changes to meal menus, planning activities, trips and events planning – the list is endless.

Compliments and complaints

We ask our residents and their families to share with us anything they particularly enjoy or like about life at the home. It's always warming to receive positive feedback and we love to celebrate success at any given opportunity.

On the other hand, if we haven't got something right and you'd like to make a complaint, please talk to us or your Home Manager in the first instance so we have the opportunity to put it right for you. A formal Complaints Leaflet (PDF 173KB) is also available that contains all of the information, the process and contact details you'll need. Please do not hesitate to ask for help if you need assistance with this.

Complaints process

Complaints process

Our complaints process has four stages:

Informal – An informal complaint can be responded to by action within 10 days and does not require a formal response


Stage 1 - Front Line Resolution – this will be dealt with by the Home Manager or equivalent and focuses on a swift resolution of the concerns raised.

Stage 2 – Investigation – this will be dealt with formally by the Regional Manager or equivalent and focuses on a detailed investigation into the concerns raised with a formal written response.

Stage 3 – Director Review – this will normally be dealt with by the Regional Director or equivalent and focuses on a review of the resolution so far rather than a second investigation into the original issue reported.

What can I expect?

When a formal complaint is reported to us, we aim to contact you within 2 working days to acknowledge your complaint and discuss your concerns if necessary.

All complaints will be acknowledged within two working days, with an investigation and response received in 20 working days.


I’m still not happy...

If you are not happy with what we do to resolve your complaint, you can pursue the matter further, you can contact the following:

If your care is:

Council-funded – you should contact the local authority that funds your care in the first instance.

Self-funded – you should contact the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) for your complaint to be considered.

Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman

The Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) provides a free, independent service and will consider your complaint if you are not satisfied with the way we have handled it.

The LGSCO will not usually investigate a complaint until we have been given the opportunity to respond and resolve matters.

You can contact the LGSCO Advice Team for information and advice, or to register your complaint on:

Tel: 0300 061 0614

Our regulators

Sanctuary Care’s services are regulated by the health and social care regulators in:

England - the Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Scotland - the Care Inspectorate (CI)

You can contact the care regulators if you wish to discuss the service we provide:

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

CQC National Correspondence
Citygate, Gallowgate
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Tel: 03000 616161
CQC Website:

Care Inspectorate (CI)

CI National Correspondence
Compass House
11 Riverside Drive

Tel: 0345 600 9527
Care Inspectorate website:

You can also write to any of the local offices, details of which can be found on the Care inspectorate offices page.