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Looking for a care home
0800 917 0478

Media enquiries and social media

Media enquiries

For media enquiries, please contact the Press Office at:

Sanctuary Group
Sanctuary House
Chamber Court
Castle Street


Sanctuary Care on social media

Sanctuary Care's social media presence is constantly evolving. And to support you to be confident you really are talking to us on social media, here are our available platforms for you to join and get involved with:

Follow @SanctuaryCareUK on Twitter for our latest news and updates.

Like our Sanctuary Care Facebook page to engage with our latest picture and video stories from across our care homes.

Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest news and case studies.

What you can expect from us on social media:

  • We aim to provide you with relevant news and information that adds to the online conversation and encourages engagement with the online community
  • We strive to respond to as many relevant questions and comments as possible, but we reserve the right to use our judgement in selecting the messages we respond to
  • We monitor our social media accounts between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. During these times we will reply as soon as possible. We also monitor content about us or our services to help us learn and improve. This may include sharing screen shots of content internally to ensure that we are able to identify any issues and put them right where possible
  • Following or liking a social media account or including an account in a list does not constitute an endorsement; the same applies to sharing, re-tweeting or re-posting messages or marking them as “favourites".

What do we expect from you on social media?

  • We welcome your thoughts on any of our daily social media topics
  • We ask that you are polite and courteous in contacting us. Name calling, profanity, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, obscene language or the like, will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to delete any posts of this type or block individuals which may cause offence to others in the online community
  • All posts should come from a real person. Posts from ‘bots’, fake or anonymous profiles will be deleted when discovered
  • Please do not share personal information in publicly-visible posts. If we ask you to send us your contact details in a private message, we will delete it within 48 hours of it being read.