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Care Home or Home Care? The Advantages of Residential Care Homes

The decision around seeking care can be an incredibly daunting one for everyone involved. Here, at Sanctuary Care, we understand that it can feel like a great unknown with many questions - whether you're the person who needs some extra support, or a loved one who has been their primary caregiver.

One of the most common queries people face is whether to opt for home-based care provided by a home or live-in carer or make the permanent move to a residential care home. We’ve put together this guide to shine the spotlight on some of the many great benefits of care home life to help put your mind at ease.

What are the advantages of residential care?

Round the clock care

You can rest assured there will always be someone there whenever you or your loved one needs a little bit of extra support, 24 hours a day. It doesn't always have to take the form of condition-led medical care either - it can be as simple as support with getting in or out of bed or moving around the care home.

The care home environment provides continuity too. Many of the staff members at our care homes have been with us for years. This helps our residents to feel comfortable, with a friendly, familiar face who understands exactly what level of support they need.

A safe environment

When we age, we become more susceptible to falls. Being in a care home means you're never alone if you were unfortunate enough to experience an accident. There are always trained carers and nurses, as well as other residents to support or raise the alarm. You might not always have someone at home in these circumstances - one of the disadvantages of home care.

Lots of care homes feature adaptations too, designed to make the environment as safe and accessible as possible for people who use wheelchairs or walking frames.

Good company

Loneliness is unfortunately a common problem for elderly people - recent research from Age UK has found that 1.4 million older people in the UK often feel lonely. One of the advantages of care homes is that they provide lots of opportunities to meet new people and socialise.

You or your loved one will be able to strike up friendships with like-minded people of a similar age and from a similar generation. These bonds can help people feel happier, more comfortable and more settled in what is a new place. We pride ourselves on our warm atmosphere where our residents and carers are like extended family.

For people relying on a home carer dropping into the home once or twice a day, it can be quite isolating, especially if they’re unable to get out and about very easily. It’s a key disadvantage of home care when compared to the care home environment.

Old comforts in a new home

Moving into a residential care home doesn't mean forgetting about life as it once was. Here, at Sanctuary, we encourage our residents to make their space their own. They're free to decorate the bedroom with trinkets and treasures that highlight all the good memories of home. We're also keen for our residents to continue with the hobbies they've always loved. They're free to spend their time exactly as they want to - whether that's a game of bowls at the local green, or planting flowerbeds in the garden. It provides a great sense of wellbeing.

Food, glorious food

It’s always important to maintain a good diet right throughout life. But it becomes even more vital when you reach your senior years. It’s been estimated that around one in 10 people over the age of 65 are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, according to the Malnutrition Task Force.

When you live in a residential care home, it’s not something you have to worry about. At Sanctuary, we develop our care home food to meet specific dietary requirements, as well as provide delicious meals packed with nutrients. The communal dining room settings we have means these times can often be shared with others – which is important for combatting loneliness. It’s also included in the cost of our care.

See the benefits of a care home with Sanctuary

Although we hope our guide has helped to answer any queries you might have had around care homes, we understand that experiencing the environment for yourself is the biggest influencer. Our independent research has shown that our care homes enrich lives. We’d be happy to welcome you along to see how for yourself, as well as view the facilities and meet the dedicated teams at our care homes across the UK.

To book a show-around, simply find your nearest care home and fill out the enquiry form to arrange your visit.