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Over Half of Unpaid Carers “Exhausted”, with Festive Fatigue on the Horizon

A care home resident and her daughter share an embrace

Over Half of Unpaid Carers “Exhausted”, with Festive Fatigue on the Horizon

  • Two-fifths of carers get just three hours or less without providing care each day
  • Almost one in four (24 per cent) have no one to help with their care giving duties
  • 1.1 million UK carers haven’t taken a holiday in more than five years
  • Nearly half (46 per cent) of carers admit their mental health has suffered as a result
  • Figures suggest that carer fatigue will peak following the festive season, after demand for respite care spiked 69 per cent last January

Over half of unpaid carers feel “exhausted” (55 per cent) and “overwhelmed” (44 per cent) by their caring responsibilities, a new study by leading care home provider, Sanctuary Care, reveals.

On a typical day, two-fifths of carers will get just three hours or less without providing care each day, while one in four (24 per cent) have no one to help with their care giving duties.

Carer fatigue is expected to peak after Christmas, with figures from January 2021 highlighting a sharp spike in demand for respite care services following the festive season, and enquiries to Sanctuary Care up 69 per cent in this period.

Sarah Clarke Kuehn, Sanctuary Care Chief Operating Officer, said: “It’s only natural that we want to give our loved ones the best care possible and in their own home for as long as is safe for them, but we cannot deny the toll it can take emotionally and physically for family carers.

“Christmas can be a particularly tough time for carers, with many juggling the festivities with their caring responsibilities, work, childcare, and the pressures of everyday life. But being able to take a break is an important part of caring.”

According to the survey, which has shone a light on the challenges facing the 11.5 million unpaid carers across the UK, one in 10 - equating to 1.1 million carers across the UK - haven’t taken a holiday in more than five years. 

Along with exhaustion, nearly half (46 per cent) of carers admit their mental health has suffered as a result, as had their social life (40 per cent), physical health (31 per cent) and romantic relationships (29 per cent).

Sarah Clarke Kuehn, Sanctuary Care Chief Operating Officer added: “Often, we see that carers using respite care for a week, or even two, come back invigorated, having had the chance to recharge with the peace of mind of knowing their loved one is in safe hands.

“It can be hard to let someone else take over this responsibility, but our care teams are dedicated to enriching the lives all of our residents and their loved ones, offering carers additional support for as long as needed.”

For more information on respite care from Sanctuary Care, visit: