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Energy Bill Relief Scheme

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On 25 October 2022, the Government introduced a range of schemes to provide support for energy bills which includes residents in care home settings. Sanctuary Care sets residents’ fees based on estimates of costs for the coming year and where possible does its best to mitigate the impact of cost increases on its residents. Due to the volatility of the energy market, this means that our fees for 2022/2023 were set based on a much lower rate for electricity than we have in practice paid, with this under-recovery outweighing any benefit we expect to receive from Government via the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS). Therefore, no credit adjustment will be made to fees paid by residents for 2022/23.

However, the Government has recently announced that various households may be eligible to apply to their Local Authority for an Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding payment of £400. Details about the scheme are not yet available but residents in care home settings may be eligible. Although we are not involved in the administration of the scheme, Sanctuary Care will update this page with any helpful information as soon as we know more.