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Exploring their culinary creativity

Residents at Fernihurst Nursing Home, our care and nursing home in Exmouth, enjoying cookery sessions

Residents at our Fernihurst Nursing Home are enjoying weekly cookery workshops with their very own Masterchef winner.

From pizzas and cakes, to biscuits and even homemade ravioli, the residents at our nursing home in Exmouth have loved cooking with head chef Ruaan Prins, winner of Sanctuary Care’s Masterchef 2022.

For the residents, who live with dementia, activities like cooking can give them such a sense of achievement when they see – and taste - what they’ve created. 

Hollie Prowse, manager at the home in Douglas Avenue, said: “We are proud to do everything we can to enrich the lives of our residents each and every day, and sometimes this can be with something very simple that they love to do.

“So many of our residents loved baking and cooking before they joined us, so we wanted them to experience that sense of continuity and belonging at Fernihurst.”

This week the residents have made their own ravioli, rolling their own herb pasta with Ruaan, adding a mince filling.

And their talents don’t stop there. Once the weather warms up, they will embark on a project which is being rolled out across Sanctuary Care’s homes called Grow Your Own Way, where residents grow and nurture their own produce, which will be cooked for them to eat.

Hollie added: “So many of our residents love gardening, so we will soon be sowing seeds, which our residents will nurture, before sharing their produce with Ruaan and the kitchen team!”

For more about how we are enriching lives at Fernihurst, our Enquiry Support Team are here to talk on 0800 331 7422.