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Congratulations Billy on your graduation!

Billy Pattison, a Registered Nursing Associate at Fernihurst Nursing Home, our nursing home in Exmouth

The team at our Fernihurst Nursing Home in Exmouth are proud as punch for colleague Billy Pattison, who has graduated to become a fully-fledged Registered Nursing Associate. 

Billy is the first apprentice from Fernihurst to gain the level 5 foundation degree. He will now be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and move into a permanent role of registered nursing associate.

Funded by Sanctuary Care and run partnership with Plymouth University, the Nursing Associates Apprenticeship Programme seeks to upskill care assistants and supplement nursing teams.

Moving from a career in the army, Billy joined the care sector as a domestic and kitchen assistant, but soon realised nursing was his true calling.

The scheme has enabled Billy to continue to earn an income and gain valuable sector experience, whilst studying for nationally recognised qualifications to advance his career.

He said: “It wasn’t until I started working in care that I understood the vital job that care assistants and nursing teams do, day in and day out. Whilst I soon decided that I wanted to move into nursing, I didn’t feel that being at university full time was the right path for me.

“The Nursing Associate Apprenticeship has been great, not just in terms of my own career, but also for the home, enabling the nurses to focus on their role with my support in picking up clinical tasks. I am excited for what the future holds and would advise anyone considering an apprenticeship to go for it!”

Hollie Prowse, care home manager at Fernihurst, added: “We are extremely proud of Billy for completing the Nursing Associates Apprenticeship! We’ve been so impressed with how hard he has worked. He goes above and beyond every day to support our nursing teams and enrich the lives of all our residents.”

 For more about life at Fernihurst, our Enquiry Support Team are here to talk on 0800 331 7421.