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Care home residents share advice for new mums ahead of Mother’s Day

Sanctuary Care resident Doris with her advice for new mothers ahead of Mother's Day

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, care home residents across Sanctuary Care homes have shared advice on motherhood for new and expecting mothers.

Doris Brimacombe, age 102, who lives at Furzehatt Residential and Nursing Home in Plymouth said; “Bring children up to respect others, and love them whilst you can.”

Her fellow residents, also shared their pearls of wisdom. Briony Corbey, age 84, described motherhood as “the most exciting adventure and best job in the world”, whilst 87-year-old Evie Oliver encouraged new mothers to “be patient and enjoy it”.

Sheila O’Connor, Director of Operations for Sanctuary Care, commented:

“Motherhood is not always easy and sometimes a little advice and perspective from the older generation can go a long way.

“We have lots of wonderful mothers, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers living in our care homes who have plenty of pearls of wisdom to share.

“As a significant milestone, Mother’s Day holds precious memories for many of our residents creating a great opportunity for us to come together to reminisce and share past experiences.

“Taking time to reflect on happy memories helps to create a sense of continuity and community for our residents, which we know is so important for an enriched and fulfilled life, particularly as we grow older.”

Other residents across the Sanctuary Care homes, which provide residential, respite, dementia and nursing care, have chipped in with their tips on motherhood:

Experienced advice-giver Doreen Lee, 84, who lives at Beechwood Residential Care Home in Upton-upon-Severn, said; 

“Don’t worry about getting things right, you will adapt. If you need any advice speak to the midwife or doctor because they are there for you.”

Others, like Judith Woodward, 86, highlighted the importance of accepting assistance where possible. She advised; “Get other people to help so you can have more time with the baby.”

Taking a more practical approach, Patricia, Blackford Hickman 87, joked that new mothers should remember to “build up a store of nappies”!

For more about Sanctuary Care, our Enquiry Support Team are here to talk on 0800 3317442.