Residents take part in spooktacular halloween fun

Residents at our Westwood House Care Home in East Kilbride celebrated Halloween with an afternoon of fang-tastic fun.
The home was transformed into a spooktacular haven for the occasion, with witches’ hats, cobwebs, and pumpkins decking the halls, whilst residents and staff enjoyed a host of eerie-sistible treats and frightfully delicious cocktails.
Other ghoulish goings on included pumpkin decorating and themed arts and crafts, with friends and family invited to take part in the celebrations.
Activities coordinator Rahela Calin commented: “Halloween is a great opportunity for our residents to have fun, dress up in silly costumes and invite their loved ones to join in on the celebrations. It was fantastic to see everyone embracing the spooky spirit – and the themed cocktails went down a storm!
“We do everything possible to create special moments that enrich our residents’ lives. We often find that celebrating occasions like Halloween can unlock cherished memories for our residents. It reinforces familiar traditions, creating a sense of continuity for our residents which can feel comforting and really brings everyone together.”
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